Game plan to shed 10 kgs in next 90 days by having your favourite food and not doing boring exercises at the gym.

"Busy, Fit, Fabulous: Transform Your Body on Your Terms with my Exclusive Webinar!" For busy working professionals.

Coming Wednesday | 8 PM


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I Empower busy working professionals live a sustainable Healthy Lifestyle by developing strong mindset

Learn the art of living a sustainable healthy life by understanding the 3 secrets and 6step model which has helped more than 500 busy working professionals and independent business owners across the globe transform their health.

Are You Facing Any of These Challenges?

Plan Your Time

How to plan your time wisely to stay fit in the midst of your hectic schedule.

Manage Stress

How manage stress and balance mental health.

Become Super Productive

How to become super productive at work/family and personal life.

Transform Lifestyle

How to transform sedentary life style into active.

Control Obesity

Understanding to art controlling obesity by following sustainable long term changes in lifestyle.

Physical Activity

How does physical activity helps in overall well being.

Fix Sleep Disorder

How to fix sleep disorders/lack of energy

Loose Bellyfat

Loose stubborn belly fat.


Understanding the role of nutrition.

3 Secrets you will learn in the webinar

Power of Mindset

Power of Mindset

Power of Exercise

Power of Exercise

Power of Nutrition

Power of Nutrition

Who Benefits From This Webinar?

Corporate Professionals

Top performing corporate professionals

Busy Entrepreneurs

Busy entrepreneurs

Business Owners

Independent business owners

Struggling with Belly Fat

People struggling with obesity/belly fat

Home Makers

Home Makers

6 Step Formula

Power of Self-Awareness

Power of self awareness

Power of Mindset

Power of Mindset and Habbit

Power of Exercise

Power of Exercise

Power of Nutrition

Power of Nutrition

Goal Setting

Power of
Goal Setting

Tracking Mechanism

Tracking Mechanism

About Hans Mohan

Educating busy working professionals
on the art of living a sustainable healthy life

Hi iam Hans mohan founder of level5 fitness (sustainable fatloss mastermind) iam on a mission to impact 100000 top performing working professional live a sustainable healthy life by following my Mind and muscle blueprint which has helped more than 500 working professionals completely transform.


Get Bonus Course Worth Rs.5000 upon Registration

Don't Wait More, Limited Seats Hurry!

Results I have helped create

Hear out what my clients say about me

Hans’s coaching is structured, focussed and non repetitive. I like his teaching and methodology. Its very evident that he is teaching from his souls and heart. I would love to be associated with him in the times to come. 5 stars and a diamond heart from my side. His training reminds me off my mbbs days of learning every concept with in depth knowledge. Good luck Hans

Dr Aarti


Its been almost 6 months iam part this wonderful community. Big respect to Hans for all his efforts in mentoring me and giving me a complete new life. I would always be thankful to hans for this wonderful gift.

Veenu Kumar


Working with hans have completely transformed my life. I never thought that take care of health can exponentially multiply my productivity in all endeavours. Best part about mind and muscle blue print is I can access the content at my pace practise and follow it based on the instructions given. I am finally able to at least transform my bad life style habits and started following sustainable health practises.

Harish Saini

International Corporate Executive,
New Delhi


Hans is a master in his field his courses are to the point, practical and realistic. What iam really impressed is the knowledge which he carries in the field of health and fitness. I never thought taking care of my own health can be so simple ..your… Thanks sir.. for having me as a part of your community.


IT Manager,


I can't express how grateful I am to Hans. His personalized workouts and nutritional advice have not only helped me reach my weight loss goals but have also instilled habits that I know will last a lifetime. The encouragement and positivity they bring to every session make the fitness journey enjoyable and sustainable.


Software Professional,


Started to working with Hans was the best decision for my well-being. He didn't just provide a workout plan; they became a source of motivation and accountability. I appreciate the holistic approach—focusing on both physical and mental health. Feeling stronger, happier, and more confident than ever!"

Sanjana Srivastav



I've always struggled with consistency in my fitness routine, but my coach changed that. Hans's understanding of my unique challenges and lifestyle has made all the difference. The continuous support and personalized strategies have turned fitness into a positive and achievable part of my daily life. Grateful for the guidance!"

Kirthi Sachadeva

AI Specialist,


Coach Hans not only taught me how to exercise effectively but educated me on the importance of a balanced lifestyle. The results have been beyond physical; my stress levels are down, and I feel more resilient. Having a coach who genuinely cares about your overall well-being is priceless. Highly recommended!"




Working with my health and fitness coach Hans has been a game-changer! I never thought I could enjoy exercising and making healthier choices. Their support and tailored guidance have transformed my mindset, and I've seen incredible improvements in my energy levels and overall well-being. Thank you for making this journey so empowering!


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